The God Principle.

A Biblical Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew 27:46

By M. L. Wilson

Continued from Page 2.

Of course it is reasonable to ask that if, “It is finished.” why it is then—since Christ now has the keys to death and hell—that we are still here? Why do we continue in this obviously fallen world rife with pain, death, injustice and all manner of bad things? To answer that question, we need to still understand the role of angels just a bit more. Their importance in this matter is without a doubt. The death wages as a result of sin is essentially paid to them as a result of a covenant agreement.

One might be inclined to question the existence of such a covenant between God and angels as it is not clearly delineated within the Canon of Scripture. In fact there is a covenant—actually referred to as an oath—which spells out what God promises and the limitations which are placed upon the angels as a result. This oath is found in the Deuterocanonical Book of Enoch. This book was once a part of the Hebrew texts, but was finally excised from what would become the known Canon of Scripture by the Nicene Council early in the 4th century AD. Regardless the removal of this book from our Bible, there are still bits and pieces of its affect within the Canon of Scripture. Consider this from the Book of Daniel:

“...But the prince of the Persian Kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because  I  was detained  there  with  the  king  of  Persia.” - Daniel 10:13,

“...So he said, “Do you know why I have come to you? Soon I will return to fight against the prince of Persia, and when I go, the prince of Greece will come; but first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth. (No one supports me against them except Michael, your prince.”
- Daniel 10:20-21

Here we have an angel talking to the prophet Daniel about at least two angelic rulers over two geographical locations which are still identifiable on the globe today. This angel also identifies Michael as the prince over Israel during this time, approximately 606 BC. Why a prince for Israel and not a ruler as are the other angles who are mentioned? Additionally, who made these angels rulers over anyone to begin with? Consider further what the Apostle Paul says in Ephesians:

“His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to His eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
- Ephesians 3:10-11

Paul calls these beings Rulers and Authorities in the Heavenly realms. This is an interesting way to phrase the job given to an angel if in fact an angel is merely a messenger with no authority but that which is given by Almighty God. Would such angels have the temerity to seize such authority on their own despite Christ’s words that, “...All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” (Matthew 28:18) So the question as to the identities of these Rulers and Authorities which Paul mentions remains. Further, where would Paul learn about such beings and why would he give them such a high designation if they do not actually exist. Would that then leave all of Paul’s writings in doubt? Paul’s provocative teachings go even further by asserting that it is through humans that these angels will be taught about the true nature of God Most High. How is it that a human can teach an angel anything? That answer is rooted in the nature of the relationship between God and man and God and angels. Consider that difference as you consider the nature of the Mosaic Law.

“What, then, was the purpose of the law? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The Law was put into effect through angels by a mediator.”
- Galatians 3:19

Here Paul hits us with another provocative statement. Through primarily tradition, it is thought that God gave the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai. Deeper study of the scriptures reveals that in fact it was an angel of the Lord with whom Moses spoke. This is not only made clear in the Old Testament (Exodus 3:2-4), but it is reiterated in the New Testament as well. (Acts 7:30 and Acts 7:35). So be it the Old Testament or the New Testament, it is clear that it was not God Most High which brought us the Mosaic Law, rather it was angels—specifically Celestial entities. Unto itself, this should not be terribly alarming. God uses angels to do His work all the time. It would be short duty for Him to send one of them down give Moses a few instructions by which to keep the rabble at bay.

The problem is that Paul also seems to think that there are Rulers and Authorities in the heavenly realms. Do we know if these Rulers and Authorities follow God and do His will or do not follow God and work against Him. Paul cautions us about these Rulers and Authorities and urges us to take upon us the Full Armor of God to protect ourselves from them. That would lead one to believe that these Rulers and Authorities stand against the desires and will of Almighty God. If these are the same entities which gave us the Law, then is the Law a good thing? That would mean taking a look at the Law from a completely different perspective.

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